How To Predict Lottery Numbers Mathematically

Are you one of those who believe it is possible to learn how to predict lottery numbers mathematically? How To Predict Lottery Numbers MathematicallyDo you wonder what kind of relationship exists between Math and the lottery?

Then you’ve arrived at the right website!

According to Mathematicians, lottery games and Math-based predictive equations have a lot in common.

Although it appears that lottery games deal with random events and the random drawing of numbers there is a degree of probability involved in each game.

The introduction of probability is enough reason to introduce the application of math equations for the selection and playing of lottery numbers.
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Math Scares Lotto Players

Not everyone loves mathematics as a subject. In fact Math can intimidate many of us.

Using mathematics equations should not frighten you. If you really want to increase your chances of winning on the lottery then you need to learn how to use mathematics and probability to your advantage.

Later I will show you how you can use probability engines (a fancy word for easy-to-apply mathematical formulas that will explode your chances of winning lottery prizes) to play the lottery smarter.

Are There Other Options?

Those who do not want to worry about the use of mathematics when selecting and playing their lottery their lottery numbers may be tempted to use less scientific methods for playing.

The two most popular methods of playing the lotto that are not based on solid mathematical and probability systems are as follows.

lottery math1. Lucky Numbers:

Most individuals have numbers which they associate with good luck.

Since they believe that winning the lottery is all down to how lucky you are as a person, playing their lucky numbers is their preferred route to winning the grand lottery prize.

Sometimes it may be the time they arrived home or the birthday or the number of the house where they had their first baby etc.

2. Birth Dates:

Did you know that 1 in 4 persons are said to use their dates of births and the date of birth of their closest family and friends as both numeric?

Well a similar pattern runs for lottery players. A huge number of lottery players use birth dates of those of their friends and family members for their lottery numbers.
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Random Numbers

The above ways, and similar ways, of choosing lottery numbers give the player no more chance of winning than just picking your numbers out of a hat.

In order to increase your chances of winning the lottery you must use strategies that are based on solid mathematics and are deigned around working with the probabilities that exist in the lottery.

How Mathematics Can Help Beat The Lottery

All mathematicians know that Math can help in the prediction of random events. So as the lottery is game of numbers why would it be an y different to any other number prediction event?!

Since a lottery game deals with numbers and those numbers are chosen at random, it may appear that there is no way to predict the numbers that will be drawn.

Although this is correct it does not mean that the player has no way of increasing his chances of winning on the game. In fact, the smart lottery player, who uses mathematics to his advantage can use the law of probability to help him/her decrease the odds against him/her and explodes the odds in his/her favor!

There may not be a scientific formula to predict lottery numbers but there is a very definite way to pick and play your lottery numbers that can almost guarantee you will win.

Past lottery winners, who have won multiple prizes, claim that lottery numbers should be played based on a formula and pattern as this is the best, and only, way to narrow the odds stacked against a lottery player.

This claim is supported by some lottery winners who offer testimonies of how the use of formulas have worked for them.

What is this formula?

Do Patterns Really Exist in A Game of Lottery?

Believers in the use of Math to select numbers say that patterns that are based on probability can be used in lotteries games.

Although you can also give yourself a better chance of winning when selecting your numbers by using  hot numbers the power of predicting winning lottery numbers is really in how you play your numbers rather than the actual numbers you play!

mathematical patternsIt’s all about using the law of probability. Some people claim that you cannot use probability but in truth, the law of probability cannot be disputed.

Where the challenge lies is in having to deal with so many spreadsheets and charts just to figure out the best numbers to play in a lottery draw.

Where the challenge lies is in having to deal with so many spreadsheets and charts just to figure out the best numbers to play in a lottery draw.

To overcome this challenge, those who are not comfortable with algebra are encouraged to make use of a lottery algorithm calculator.

An example of how probability works on a very basic level can be explained with a 6 from 49 game.

According to the law of probability, the probability (or chance) of picking an odd number from a pool containing 49 numbers is higher than picking an even number simply because there are more odd numbers than even numbers.

This means a lottery player focusing on playing odds numbers has a better chance f winning than one who focuses on even numbers. Of course the increase in odds for the “odd number” player is extremely small and won’t really help in the real world but it does demonstrate how probability works.

What we need is a system based on the same premise but that uses probability is a more scientific way to truly increase our odds of winning.

lotto strategies that work

What a Probability System Does

Besides the obvious reason that using a probability system that is already designed and proven saves those who do not like to solve mathematical formulas themselves the hassle of working out complicated probability formulas, such a system can dramatically increase a player’s chance of winning not just one prize but many prizes in the same draw.

Usually you are expected to enter the exact number of balls allowed for any particular lottery game you want to play but when you use probability you will actually play many more numbers than you are allowed to play.

As you are playing more numbers than you are normally allowed to play the probability of the numbers you have chosen being the same as the numbers drawn in the winning line of lottery game is much, much higher.

You do not need a lottery calculator to help pick your numbers just a system to help you play more numbers than you are usually allowed to play.

So rather than looking for an algorithm to predict lottery numbers you get to play many more numbers and thus increase your chances of having winning numbers in your selection.

So how do you get to play more numbers in a game that is only allowed to play a specific amount?

Number Wheeling

pick 5 lottery wheelIn order to play more numbers in your chosen lottery game than you are normally allowed to play you need a mathematically based system.

Number wheeling is more difficult to explain than it is to actually do.

Known as number wheeling, this system allows lottery players to play lots of numbers by buying multiple tickets but these tickets do not have randomly chosen numbers on them.

Instead when you wheel a bunch of numbers you play them in a way that ensures every single number you picked is played in the draw with the other numbers.

This will require buying more tickets and so a single lottery player who wants to wheel a large amount of numbers – thus giving an even bigger chance of winning – should consider joining or starting a lottery pool.

Cases exist where a group of people pools funds together in order to buy multiple tickets. When a winning is made, they share the lottery prize based on the contributions they make.

Taking away the unpredictability of a lottery draw is what the use of Mathematics and probability does. If you want to learn how to win the lottery then you need to learn how to wheel lottery numbers.

As long as you apply the right wheeling formula for the lottery you want to play, you have a better chance of winning than someone who chooses the numbers to play at random or goes about making requests like this, “who will pick powerball numbers for me?”
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