Powerful Lotto Strategies That Will Help You Win Prizes
It has always been accepted as a solid unchangeable fact that winning the lottery is down to pure luck. Unless you have a crystal ball that throws up next week’s winning numbers, or have the capability to travel back in time, there is no other way to secure top prizes in the lottery except by pure luck.
Well maybe not!
Hold onto your hat because there are multiple people, with multiple BIG wins, who say luck has absolutely nothing to do with it!
Lotto Strategies Don’t Need Luck
According to a 4-time multi-million dollar winner luck has nothing to do with it! And she isn’t alone in that view.
It seems that there are some people out there who are so lucky they can beat odds of a septillion to 1 to land 4 big scratch-off wins while others go even further to land 5 and even 7 top lotto wins on the bigger games.
How do they do it?
Well it seems they all have specific playing styles in common. These are not just whimsical styles of play either, such as specific ways of picking numbers or playing special dates.
It would appear that there really are mathematical based lotto strategies designed to beat out the odds and that those strategies are, without a doubt, behind some of the most fantastical multiple lotto wins ever recorded in the game.
In fact, there is a growing number of lottery winners, with several big wins under their belts, who claim luck had nothing to do with their wins. One such winner gives a glimpse of how these strategies work by showing anyone who to beat scratch-offs regularly here.
Many openly talk about having used lotto strategies to give them the edge in the main draw and some even suggest you can learn how to win powerball or megamillions as well.
While, a significantly larger number, try to keep their lottery strategies secret as they strive to stay anonymous.
For obvious reasons, which will become apparent as you read on, it has been a pretty well guarded secret within lottery companies that the lotto is not actually a game of chance/luck at all but that it is in fact a game of probabilities.
To understand this concept better think about the coin toss game where you try to guess whether a tossed coin will end up heads or tails.

Are there really lotto strategies that work?
When you play this game there is a 50/50, or 50%, chance of you guessing correctly because their is a 50% chance of either side coming up.
This means, from a probability stand point, that your choices should be correct half the time.
As you can see your odds of winning the coin toss game are even but winning the game is really just down to luck as you can only bet on 1 of the 2 possible outcomes.
Many people believe that the lotto is the same, but it’s not.
It therefore would seem to be smart to believe that the lottery works in the same way. But the lotto has a key difference from the coin toss game in the fact that you can cover all possible outcomes and are not just restricted to one guess.
The lottery works a little differently to the “Luck” based coin toss game in the fact that you can cover every single possible outcome in the game to 100% guaranteed you correctly predict the numbers drawn on the lottery every single time.
If you play the game using probability and cover every possible line that could be drawn as your lottery strategy you can guarantee a jackpot lotto win.
The Best Kept Secret in The Lotto
Over the years smart syndicates, made up of wealthy business men, have won several lotto jackpots by using the strategy described above to 100% predict the winning numbers in the game they were playing.
Do you not believe it is possible to use probability to guarantee a lotto win? Because it is.
Guaranteeing a lotto jackpot win is not only possible but it has been done several times before.
In fact, the UK National Lottery has taken steps to stop this practice by raising the price of their tickets from £1 to £2 and monitoring excess lottery ticket purchases by any one group as they deem it unfair to other players.
The latest rollover win secured by using this method was in Ireland.
Unfortunately, in a Pick 6 game it would mean you have to buy approximately 14 million tickets as there are approximately 14 million possible combinations. In the Powerball you would need to purchases about 175 million tickets.
This approach would prove too costly for mere mortals.
However, it proves without a shadow of a doubt that it is possible to guarantee a lottery win. This realization alone should excite you because if this loophole exists then there must be others.
There are much cheaper methods that can just as easily blow the odds up in your favor.
Lottery Strategies That Work on a Tighter Budget
Obviously even the biggest of syndicates would be unable to purchase every single possible number combination in their chosen lotto game. Even syndicates made up of millionaires would struggle to with 175 million ticket purchases on the Powerball.
So what are the alternatives?
Well, instead of buying all possible combinations to guarantee a lotto jackpot win you can use the same basic premise to cut down the odds against you winning to a reasonable number.
For example instead of having a 1 in 14 million chance of winning you can reduce that down to 1 in half a million simply by wheeling 7 numbers instead of 6 in a Pick 6 game. By wheeling 7 numbers you would cover all possible combinations of those 7 numbers which would create only 27 tickets/lines.
Wheeling Numbers Lottery Strategy
Watch the video below for an overview of how wheeling works and to discover proven lottery strategies that have been used by multiple winners to win multiple prizes.
You can use these winning lotto plays for smart pick 3, pick 6 & even Powerball or any other lottery out there for that matter.
Number wheeling is not a way to guarantee a jackpot win but will decrease the odds against you by many millions and increase your odds of winning so much that you are almost guaranteed to win multiple small and medium prizes consistently.
Many past winners, who won more than one large lottery prize, have never won a jackpot but their combined winnings are greater than most “ordinary” jackpot winners received.
Try a method for wheeling your numbers and watch how lucky you become.